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Stay in know!

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CICS is funded by three levels of government and United Way to provide a wide range of settlement programs and services in Toronto and York Region. Our staff speak 20 languages collectively and we serve immigrants of all age groups.


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The Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham (F.C.C.M.) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the provision of services to the Chinese community and the integration of Chinese Canadians into the mainstream of Canada. Established in 1989, F.C.C.M. was formally incorporated on May 22, 1992. It is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

The Federation of Chinese Canadians


Korean Canadian Women's Association

KCWA Family and Social Services is a non-profit organization established in 1985 by a group of women who were concerned with women and family issues.

“Building the Korean-Canadian community, one person at a time "

The Filipino Centre Toronto

The Filipino Centre Toronto is a community centre to help Filipinos preserve their identity and individuality while at the same time making their presence felt in their new country. Please keep checking our website for the latest news and announcements

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Supporting Our Youth

Supporting Our Youth (SOY) is an innovative community development program of Sherbourne Health Centre. SOY works to support health and wellbeing of all queer and trans spectrum (LGBTQ) youth by running groups, programs and events and by providing one-on-one support for queer, trans and questioning youth who are 29 years old and under.

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Immigrant Services Calgary

Settling in a new country could be exciting and rewarding but challenging at the same time. To assist immigrants and refugees in their settlement and integration process in Calgary, our Settlement Services offer support in more than 70 different languages

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