Amy Ma
Grade 10 Student
It was awkward, like very awkward…
My heart was pumping very fast, my face was red like a strawberry pie. It was awkward!
It was my first time to Canada, I was 14. I came here for studying, as an international student. My visa was late for a long time, I receive it until the end of August (August 27) and I haven't buy air ticket yet. Another unfortunate thing is, my summer orientation in Canada started at August 20 and ends at August 29, which I won’t be able to join.
“Quiet everyone! We have a new classmate!” The teacher said it excitedly. I was there in the classroom, standing still, feeling wired and by myself. My parents aren’t here, my sister aren’t here, I don’t have anyone with me. “God, why I am here right at the last day of the orientation! Damn it!” I was mumbling to myself. There is only one empty site in the class, therefore I have no choice. I sat at the corner of the class, listened to those English that I could barely understand at that time. I was very shy, I don’t know how to start a conversation with others, not even a “hi”, and no one talk with me or even notice me in the class. So many things ran through my mind at that time “I just landed yesterday and now I am in the class, really!?” “OMG, the first day for me is already scary enough” “I used to so many friends in China, what if I don’t make any friend here?”
“Ok, everyone! It is time for lunch! Let’s go to the cafeteria! ” She still sound pretty excited.
My head are still down while I was walking and thinking. I feel awkward to walk by myself, I never walked by myself in China. There is always someone with me.
While I was walking extremely slow and awkward. Someone patted my shoulder.
“Ok, is a girl, I can hear it” I said it in my brain, then I turned around “He… Hello” I smile in a shy way.
“My name is J, nice to meet you!” she said it passisonly.
“My name is Amy and….. Nice to meet you too!”
We kept talking.
After the orientation, we meet each other again at school.
“Hi, J” I smile to her in a very nice way.
“Oh hello” after she said it, she turned around and talked with her friends.
Why is it like that? I don’t know, maybe her friend wasn’t on the camp at that day and J feel lonely, that’s why she talked with me.
Now I know what happened. I walked away.
There is a girl sitting at the corner of the cafe by herself, and I walked toward her.
“Amy! You are not J! Don’t be J! Be the Amy in China!”
“Hey” I patted her shoulder, “Can I have lunch with you” I smile.
“Yes, why not!” she sound excited.
We kept talking and now we are each other’s best friend in Canada.

The experience of a newcomer to make friend