Annie Ong
Grade 10 Student
It is always hard to adapt to a new environment. For some people, it takes couple months, for others, it takes years. Luckily, for me, it takes a good six months. When I first arrived in Canada, differences in languages is my biggest problem. Except the fact that I look like Chinese, I can only speak and listen to Vietnamese and English. I still remember those times when people started a conversation with me in Mandarin or Cantonese, I felt confused, embarrassed. From a person full of confidence and excitement about this new country, I then became a girl that had a lack in self-esteem and hope. Countless time I doubted my decision, I doubted if It is right to come here, I doubted if all of my sacrifices worth this, I doubted life and hated everything surround me.
Even worse, I made my mom cried for so many times because of my childish and stupid behaviors. It was so bad that I tended to flight back to my home country. And then they came, my family, my friends, my self; they opened my heart for me. They gave me support, they gave me courage, they gave me hope and strength. I then looked at the situation in a positive way. Instead of thinking I do not belong to my group of friends who only speak Chinese, I take that as an opportunities to learn a new language. Instead of doubting the decision i made to come here, i take that as a journey which can teaches my thousands of lessons about life. Instead of doubting about life, i love it respect every single second i live here. Now, languages are not my problem anymore. Yet there are time when I still feel uncomfortable when people speak with each other in Chinese, but it no longer bother me that much. Life is tough, and it is even tougher when I first came here. Thanks for people who always stay by my side, I got over it and be who i am today. Yes, life is hard, and it cannot always be as what we expect it. So what? It is just part of what we have to get through, part of our journal, part of this big "party". It took me six months to realized this, and i hope by my little confession, it take you few weeks to over come your problem for being a new comer in Canada. My advice for you my friend: Stay strong, try hard, always think positive and always be yourself. Rainbow is coming after that storm. And i believe you are strong enough to see that rainbow.

I am Asian, but I am not Chinese